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Find The Right Path

What might be possible if you could give up the desire for the “perfect” body and like Roger Shorr did, at age 68, obtain your Near Perfect Body? In the process of losing 25 pounds and dramatically changing his body’s appearance in just four months, he created a natural approach to healthy eating and fitness. Using what he calls Hunger Jujutsu and Exercise Jujutsu, reaching the Tipping Point and avoiding the Willpower Trap, Roger has discovered an easy-to-follow pathway to achieve your Near Perfect Body and opening the door to life fitness.

Who Is Roger Shorr?


Roger Shorr, a retired financial planner, wasn’t planning on finding a powerful new approach to greater health, fitness and happiness. It found him. Without fasting or going hungry, and without pills or medical procedures, he inadvertently transformed himself, and in the process created what he dubbed his Near Perfect Body.

Enjoy a front-row seat as Roger Shorr explains his remarkable transformation that changed his body that he hated to his Near Perfect Body that he loves and so much more.

Coming Soon!

Use this daily journal to follow Roger Shorr’s approach to eating and fitness, track and ensure that you remain on the proven pathway to achieving your Near Perfect Body.

Coming Soon!

“The Near Perfect Body chronicles a truly astonishing transformation of a 68-year-old male.  In less than five months, Roger dramatically improved the appearance of his body.  I have seen him in person and he looks fantastic.”

Dr. Ryan Simovitch

Orthopedic Surgeon

“The Near Perfect Body is the ideal starting point for the rest of your life!…Everyone should read this book. Doctor’s orders!”

Dr. Jeffrey Yablong

Past Member, American College of Family Practice

“The Near Perfect Body is an extraordinary book for helping one achieve fitness, good health and more…It is an easy read that resonates inside any individual truly interested in bettering themselves intellectually, physically and mentally. It is a must read!!”

Dr. Michael F. Murphy